Airworthy List 2021
The annual listing of airworthy Norseman will be out later than usual this year. Transport Canada has made a major change with the civil aircraft register and no longer shows aircraft with a cancelled registration. Getting more specific, there are Norseman that exist, but their Certificate of Registration is cancelled so they no longer appear on the current register. C-FOBR and C-FSAP are examples of this. However, if you search the historical registry you can find them. With this policy change, a quick search of the register now shows 25 Norseman, down from 37.
Also, there are a few pending developments that are awaiting confirmation and these are the highlights;
Serial N29-17, Mark V CF-BSC has been sold to a northern Canadian operator that will likely keep the airplane for private use representing its historical value to Canadian aviation.
Another Norseman apparently going north to a different owner is N364FQ from Minnesota to Alaska. This Norseman was completely rebuilt eight years ago and was previously CF-FQI in Canada.
In southern Ontario, CF-JIN is coming together and hopefully will fly soon after being restored to its original identity of RCAF 2482 from World War II. This will be the oldest flying Norseman in the world at an age of 80 years!
When more details come to light, a new listing will be posted.